Sinistral : That is Meeee !!!!!!
While going through the comments on my previous blog, I came across one of my cousin's comment, stating that left handed people make good writers. Then and there I knew what was I supposed to write next. Yes. Left-handed people. Or rather LEFTIE, which they are fondly called. As per the survey, one tenth of this world's population is sinistral and I luckily belong to that part. But at times I question myself if I really have been that lucky...
A born sinistral, my parents never had any issues with it. They happily accepted me as I was. However, people around me always have had a problem with my left instinct. While growing up, I discovered the same cousin who I have mentioned above was also a sinistral. That added to my happiness. I had someone else to share my speciality with now. We have spent quite a long period of childhood together and it was his mom who taught me to use my right hand while eating. It was quite difficult in the beginning, but I was able to respectfully eat in front of others. Again, let me tell you, my parents were indifferent to this act. They neither condemned nor appreciated it.
Days passed by and I was old enough to be sent to the school. My friends and teachers discovered my speciality and most of them would goggle at me, while I fluently used my left hand for stuffs. However, the bliss was very short-lived when one day, one of my teachers felt I was insulting her by writing with the left hand. A nine-year-old girl that I was, unaware of what an insult might be, I was forced to use my right hand, trying hard to hold a pencil, I failed to write a single word properly. My mom had to send a note to that teacher, saying that I was born sinistral and I shouldn't be forced to change myself. All the rest of the years, life was pretty cool, with people surprised when they got to know about my skill and at times I even flaunted it. The only gyaan that I received was from my grandma. “ Aise kaam karogi to sasural me kya bolenge log !!” All I did was make use of both my ears. One for the inflow and the other for the outflow.
They say life is not a bed of roses. The first time that I felt this was my maiden encounter with a pair of scissors and the days following it. Yes !!! It took me years to properly master the art of using one damn pair of scissors! That followed the computer training where I had to hold the mouse with my right hand. I realized life was getting tougher day by day, but I accepted the challenges happily. Some more years later I tried learning to drape a saree and found myself stuck over there, albeit I found a way around. The final nail on the coffin was when I actually went to sasural and log actually had issue using my left hand for most of the chores. Sorry to say, but I disappointed them at this front. Not that I couldn't have changed for them, but I did not want to.
Being a sinister or, a dexter is not something people choose to. That happens in reflex. People fail to understand a simple scientific concept. It's the functioning of the side of your brain that determines your trait. Yes, one can be trained to change the sides, but I wonder, what is the necessity for that ?? Does being left active, make me less human ?? Does it make me less efficient ?? Does it hamper my life in any way ??
People in Asian countries associate right hand with eating and left with cleaning themselves after the poop session. These days we have all sorts of water jets and thankfully don't have to dirty our hands, but if we look back into the time, we used to wash our hands with a disinfectant and happily used it when we had to, for any of the purpose. We never ostracized it. Then why ostracize those who have their left side dominating ??
People say things progress with time. Sadly, I don't see much of a change in people's attitude regarding this. One day, while standing in the billing queue at a mall, a toddler standing in front of me dropped something from her hand. Out of courtesy, I picked it up and offered her back, again with my left hand. To my joy, I found her bringing her left hand forward to get her article. At the very same time there was her dad, who hurriedly made her change her hand, as if she was committing some crime. I looked at the girl with empathy, thinking what if her parents are successful converting her to a dexter. She won't be able to stand apart from the crowd.
Today, I associate this special trait of mine with my personality, my identity. I don't care about what the world says to me. I have been and always be a hard core sinistral, no matter what. To those who have a problem with my trait, guys, stop being jealous!!!
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